Martindale VIPDLOK138 - CANS LTD

Martindale VIPDLOK138



The complete solution for safe isolation, the Martindale VIPDLOK138 Lock Out Kit contains the VI13800 voltage indicator, PD440 proving device, along with a complete lock out kit, supplied in soft carry cases. The kit simplifies compliance with Health & Safety recommendations for safe working practices when maintaining or installing electrical plant and equipment.

Nothing is more dangerous than trusting a defective voltage indicator to test for a dead circuit. Safe electrical work requires the use of a voltage indicator that has been proved with a proving unit before and after use.

The VI13800 voltage indicator and matching PD440V proving unit are supplied in the TC69 combination carry cases to ensure that the proving device is always at hand and provide the simplest solution for implementing safe isolation practices on-site in accordance the Electricity at Work Regulations. For convenience and to save time, the proving unit can be used without having to remove it from the case.

The comprehensive lock out kit is compatible with all distribution boards. Spare and replacement individual lock off pieces are also available to order separately.

The kit comprises of 7 different locking devices for simple fitting to MCBs, RCBOs and fuse holders. There is a plastic body padlock with a 6mm hardened steel shackle for securing the locking devices and a steel safety hasp which allows multiple padlocks to be used. Multi-lock hasps ensure a circuit cannot be re-energised until each operator has finished work and removed their own padlock.

The kit is completed with 5 warning tags, a marker pen and a durable case with space for storing additional accessories.



The full 15 piece kit includes:
PD440 Proving device
VI13800 Voltage indicator
PAD11RD Padlock with unique key
LOK1 MCB green isolation lock
LOK2 MCB yellow isolation lock
LOK3 MCB blue isolation lock
LOK4 MCB small red isolation lock
LOK5 MCB red isolation lock
LOK10 Yellow MCB lock, 10mm clip
LOK11 Red MCB lock, 8mm clip
5 Locked out tags
LOKMP Black marker pen
TC55 Soft carry case
TC69 Soft carry case


VI13800 Voltage Indicator
PD440 Proving Unit
TC69 Combination Carry Case
LOKKIT1 12 Piece Kit
LOKKITPRO 17 Piece Kit




